Re: BitLife the closest thing to the Sims we have right now.

lol, this is the best life that i have had so far
its quite long but, there you go
Age: 0 years
I was born a male in Istanbul, Turkey. I was conceived after my father visited my mother's bakery and sampled her cookie.

My name is Emir Cakmak.
My father is Yasin Cakmak, a Navy enlistee (age 39).
My mother is Esila Turan, a marine biologist (age 39).
I have an older half brother named Abdullah Pasa (age 2).

Age: 1 year
Violent oceanic storms combine to spawn a deadly hurricane off the shore of Cuba. While many manage to evacuate, 130 people are injured and 77 more die.

Age: 2 years

Age: 3 years
I bickered with my half brother, Abdullah, about whose turn it is to play with the dog. I apologized to him for bickering.

Age: 4 years
My half brother, Abdullah, started elementary school.

Age: 5 years
I bickered with my half brother, Abdullah, about who started it. I complained about him to our mother. She berated him.

Age: 6 years
I started elementary school.

The leader of Ethiopia, Gulema Ejigu, has been assassinated at a political rally in Addis Ababa.

I began studying harder for elementary school.

Age: 7 years
I began studying harder for elementary school.

Age: 8 years
I began studying harder for elementary school.

Age: 9 years
An unstoppable overflowing aqueduct in Spain results in chaotic floods and kills 89 people while injuring 79 more.

I began studying harder for elementary school.

Age: 10 years
Religious feuds fester between Canada and the United Kingdom.

I went with the cool kids at school to go see Angels in the Penalty Box.
I began studying harder for elementary school.

Age: 11 years
I chose to be gothic at school.
I began studying harder for elementary school.

Age: 12 years
My half brother, Abdullah, started high school.

I began studying harder for elementary school.

Age: 13 years
I am now going out with Aysin Cubukcu.
I began studying harder for elementary school.
I took Aysin to make friendship bracelets.

Age: 14 years
Aysin started high school.
I started high school.

I took Aysin to the theater to see Heir Without Fear.
I began studying harder for high school.
I went to a rugby game with my father.
My mother and I had a conversation about the best gift we ever received.

Age: 15 years
My half brother, Abdullah, graduated from high school.

I began studying harder for high school.

Age: 16 years
My half brother, Abdullah, started a new position as Probationary Firefighter for Istanbul Fire Department.

I began studying harder for high school.

Age: 17 years
Aysin graduated from high school.
I graduated from high school.

I applied to university and was accepted.
My parents refused to pay my university tuition.
I took out a student loan to pay for my university tuition.
I started university.
I began studying harder for university.

Age: 18 years
Aysin and I have been together for 5 years.
Aysin began studying education at university.
My half brother, Abdullah, moved out. He has fathered a girl named Nisanur Pasa. My half brother, Abdullah, has been promoted to Firefighter.

Aysin is pregnant with my baby! We're keeping it!
I am suffering from pink eye.
I failed my driving test.
I began studying harder for university.

Age: 19 years
My mother retired.

Aysin suffered a first-trimester miscarriage!
I proposed to Aysin and she accepted!
I began studying harder for university.

Age: 20 years
My half brother, Abdullah, has been promoted to Fire Equipment Operator.

I began studying harder for university.

Age: 21 years
I graduated from university with an undergraduate degree in nursing.
I have to start paying back my student loan for university.

Financial collapse in Japan has caused 40,629 people to lose their jobs.

I applied to nursing school and was accepted.
My parents refused to pay my nursing school tuition.
I was awarded a scholarship to nursing school.
I started nursing school.
I began studying harder for nursing school.

Age: 22 years
Aysin graduated from university with an undergraduate degree in education. She started a new position as School Teacher for Istanbul Public Schools.
My half brother, Abdullah, has been promoted to Lieutenant.

I began studying harder for nursing school.

Age: 23 years
Aysin and I have been together for 10 years.
My father has retired from the Navy.
I graduated from nursing school.

A devastating 7.3 magnitude earthquake strikes Santorini, resulting in the loss of 704 lives. 37,890 more are left without power for weeks.

I was hired for the position of Associate Nurse for Nova Hospital with a salary of $52,713.

Age: 24 years
My niece, Nisanur, started elementary school.
My half brother, Abdullah, has been promoted to Captain.

Age: 25 years
I have been given a raise of %3,3. My salary is now $54,478.

I said no to poi.

Age: 26 years
My half brother, Abdullah, has been promoted to Battalion Chief.

I said no to GHB.

Age: 27 years
I have been given a raise of %3,2. My salary is now $56,242.

I married Aysin at a drive thru wedding chapel.
Aysin and I went to Florence, Italy, for our honeymoon.

Age: 28 years
I have been promoted to Clinical Nurse with a salary of $64,182.

Age: 29 years
I refused to join social media.

Age: 30 years
I fully paid off my student loan for university.

Age: 31 years
The United Kingdom's military presence in the Netherlands has ignited long-subdued internal sentiments.

Age: 32 years
My niece, Nisanur, started high school.
I have been given a raise of %5,5. My salary is now $67,711.

Uchena Uzochi from Nigeria has recieved a Padma Shri Award for her groundbreaking new album.

Age: 33 years
I have been promoted to Advanced Clinician with a salary of $75,650.

Aysin does not want to have a baby with me.
I divorced Aysin Cubukcu.
The judge made me pay Aysin Cubukcu $96,179 to settle the divorce.
I took my niece, Nisanur, stargazing.
The dating app paired me with a retired architect named Defne Pasha.
I am now dating Defne Pasha.

Age: 34 years
I am suffering from pneumonia.
Dr. Yigit Yilmaz said I am suffering from pneumonia.
My pneumonia was treated by Dr. Yigit Yilmaz.
I am cured of pneumonia.

Age: 35 years
My niece, Nisanur, graduated from high school.

I found a shopping bag full of marijuana. I earned $6,438 by selling it.

Age: 36 years
My niece, Nisanur, enlisted in the Army.

California’s geological land mass has split from the United States. The body of water between the two is now known as the American Strait.

Age: 37 years
My niece, Nisanur, has been promoted to Private Second Class.
I have been given a raise of %4,7. My salary is now $79,179.

Defne Pasha proposed to me. I accepted!

Age: 38 years
Defne and I have been together for 5 years.
My niece, Nisanur, has been promoted to Private First Class.
I have been promoted to Clinical Nurse Specialist with a salary of $87,119.

My mother died from cancer of the calf.
I paid my respects at her funeral.

Age: 39 years
My niece, Nisanur, has been promoted to Specialist.

I went to a film festival with my father.

Age: 40 years
I said no to tequila.

Age: 41 years
My niece, Nisanur, has been promoted to Sergeant.

I married Defne at a family member's house.
Defne and I went to Izmir, Turkey, for our honeymoon.
I am suffering from the common cold.
Dr. Yigit Yilmaz said I am suffering from the common cold.
My common cold was treated by Dr. Yigit Yilmaz.
I am cured of the common cold.

Age: 42 years
I have been given a raise of %4,0. My salary is now $90,647.

An unknown genome called BTX-54 has spread in Turkey, causing epilepsy in an estimated 28,452 unborn children.

Defne died of complications from old age.
I paid my respects at her funeral.
I inherited $796,749.
The dating app paired me with a retired internal auditor named Asya Turan.
I am now dating Asya Turan.

Age: 43 years
My niece, Nisanur, has been promoted to Staff Sergeant.

I proposed to Asya and she accepted!

Age: 44 years
My father died of natural causes.
I paid my respects at his funeral.
My half brother and I each inherited $28,436.
I married Asya at a restaurant.
Asya and I went to Giza, Egypt, for our honeymoon.

Age: 45 years
My niece, Nisanur, came out of the closet as gay.

Age: 46 years
My niece, Nisanur, has been promoted to Sergeant First Class.
I have been given a raise of %3,9. My salary is now $94,176.

Age: 47 years

Age: 48 years
I took Asya to the theater to see Enter Into the Dark Net.

Age: 49 years
My niece, Nisanur, has been promoted to Master Sergeant.

Age: 50 years
I have been given a raise of %3,7. My salary is now $97,705.

Asya died of complications from old age.
I paid my respects at her funeral.
I inherited $50,981.
I am now dating Fatma Bozguney.

Age: 51 years

Age: 52 years
I gave $13 to a hippie.

Age: 53 years
Seasonal monsoons pound the terrain of Brazil, causing flash landslides countrywide.

Age: 54 years
Fatma Bozguney proposed to me. I accepted!
I broke up with Fatma Bozguney.
The dating app paired me with a retired banker named Esma Altan.
I am now dating Esma Altan.
I proposed to Esma and she accepted!
I married Esma at a vineyard.
Esma and I went to Quebec City, Canada, for our honeymoon.

Age: 55 years

Age: 56 years
Esma died of natural causes.
I paid my respects at her funeral.
I inherited $579,758.
I used the dating app.
I used the dating app.
The dating app paired me with a retired internal auditor named Melisa Kazan.
I am now dating Melisa Kazan.
I proposed to Melisa but she rejected me!

Age: 57 years
I saw someone call Melisa a fool! I called her a scallywag.
I proposed to Melisa but she rejected me!
Melisa and I had a conversation about what we would do if the world was ending.

Age: 58 years
My half brother, Abdullah, retired.

I witnessed an accountant slanging drugs on the street. I called the police on him.
I proposed to Melisa but she rejected me!

Age: 59 years
A cyclone of never-before-seen strength ravages 251 square miles of land in India, displacing 1,566 people.

I proposed to Melisa but she rejected me!
I broke up with Melisa Kazan.
The dating app paired me with a retired school administrator named Aysin Kaya.
I am now dating Aysin Kaya.
I proposed to Aysin and she accepted!
I married Aysin at a vineyard.
Aysin and I went to Cape Town, South Africa, for our honeymoon.

Age: 60 years
I told a crazy person that I believe in aliens.

Age: 61 years
I went to watch toy unboxing videos with my company on a team building exercise.

Age: 62 years
Aysin died of complications from old age.
I paid my respects at her funeral.
I inherited $147,364.
My niece, Nisanur, refused to see me.
The dating app paired me with a grocer named Cemre Yilmaz.
I used the dating app.
I used the dating app.
I bought a classic colonial home for $1,195,250!
I went to a hot dog eating contest with my half brother, Abdullah.

Age: 63 years
The dating app paired me with a trucker named Zehra Nalband.
I am now dating Zehra Nalband.

Age: 64 years
I ignored an exotic dancer who was pointing at me.
Zehra does not want to have a baby with me.

Age: 65 years
Zehra is pregnant with my baby! I wanted to keep the baby but Zehra got an abortion anyway!

Age: 66 years
Zehra does not want to have a baby with me.

Age: 67 years
My half brother, Abdullah, had a fatal heart attack.
I paid my respects at his funeral.
Zehra does not want to have a baby with me.
My niece, Nisanur didn't want to have a conversation with me.
I broke up with Zehra Nalband.
I used the dating app.
I used the dating app.
I used the dating app.
I decided to have a one night stand with Beren Pasha.
I practiced unsafe sex.

Age: 68 years

Age: 69 years
The dating app paired me with a restaurant worker named Rabia Turan.
I am now dating Rabia Turan.
I took Rabia to the circus.

Age: 70 years
China's leader, Genghis Suk, threw up during his UN address. The internet had a field day.

Rabia does not want to have a baby with me.

Age: 71 years
Rabia does not want to have a baby with me.
Istanbul Fertility Lab rejected my sperm.
I had a vasectomy at Istanbul Fertility Lab.
I wanted to get IVF but Rabia refused.
I decided to have a one night stand with Esma Can.
I changed my mind since there was no condom available.
I decided to have a one night stand with Erva Nalband.
I practiced unsafe sex.
I have been diagnosed with genital herpes.
Rabia argued with me because I gave her genital herpes. I berated her.
Dr. Yigit Yilmaz said I am suffering from genital herpes.
My genital herpes was treated by Dr. Yigit Yilmaz.
I am cured of genital herpes.
I decided to have a one night stand with Hatice Tuzun.
I practiced unsafe sex.
I have been diagnosed with genital herpes.
Dr. Yigit Yilmaz said I am suffering from genital herpes.
My genital herpes was treated by Dr. Yigit Yilmaz.
I am cured of genital herpes.

Age: 72 years
Rabia does not want to have a baby with me.
I went on a Panama Canal cruise. I treated myself to an ocean view cabin.
I decided to have a one night stand with Duru Gulen.
I practiced unsafe sex.

Age: 73 years
Rabia cheated on me.
I assaulted her!
I scraped her booty.
I flattened her forearm.
I have been charged with assault.
I hired Pasha & Evren to represent me in court.
I have been found not guilty!
Rabia does not want to have a baby with me.
I broke up with Rabia Turan.
I decided to have a one night stand with Buse Altan.
I practiced unsafe sex.
I decided to have a one night stand with Hira Turan.
I practiced unsafe sex.

Age: 74 years
I have been diagnosed with bunions.
Dr. Yigit Yilmaz said I am suffering from bunions.
My bunions was treated by Dr. Yigit Yilmaz.
I continue to suffer from bunions.
France approved my immigration request.
I quit my job as Clinical Nurse Specialist for Nova Hospital.
I emigrated to Nice, France.
I was hired for the position of Advanced Clinician for Nice General Hospital with a salary of €87,463.

Age: 75 years
I left some food out for a wild animal that keeps coming into my yard.
The dating app paired me with a makeup artist named Mila Thomas.
I am now dating Mila Thomas.
Mila and I talked about our worst sexual experiences.

Age: 76 years
Mila does not want to have a baby with me.
I proposed to Mila and she accepted!

Age: 77 years
Mila and I tried to have a baby but failed to get pregnant.
I wanted to get IVF but Mila refused.

Age: 78 years
Mila and I tried to have a baby but failed to get pregnant.
Mila and I tried to have a baby but failed to get pregnant.
Mila and I tried to have a baby but failed to get pregnant.
Mila and I tried to have a baby but failed to get pregnant.
Mila and I got IVF at Nice Fertility Care but it was unsuccessful.
Mila and I tried to get a round of IVF but Fountainhead Fertility said I need to wait some more time before trying again.

Age: 79 years
I married Mila at a golf course.
Mila and I went to Gothenburg, Sweden, for our honeymoon.
Mila and I got IVF at Fountainhead Fertility but it was unsuccessful.
Mila and I tried to have a baby but failed to get pregnant.
Mila and I tried to have a baby but failed to get pregnant.

Age: 80 years
My niece, Nisanur, has retired from the Army.

Mila and I got IVF at Nice Fertility Care but it was unsuccessful.
I meditated.

Age: 81 years
A giant sleeping volcano in Colombia erupts, pitching large chunks of rock and magma 7 miles outward. The death toll rises to 20.

Mila and I talked about cloning.
I meditated.
Mila and I tried to have a baby but failed to get pregnant.
I took Mila on a Mediterranean cruise. I treated us to an ocean view cabin.
I took Mila on a Mediterranean cruise. I treated us to an ocean view cabin.
I took Mila on a Mediterranean cruise. I treated us to an ocean view cabin.
I meditated.

Age: 82 years
A train derailment in Russia has killed 29 people.

I meditated.

Age: 83 years
A nuclear meltdown in Jamaica has claimed the lives of 9 people, and forced 1,910 people to flee their homes.

Mila and I tried to have a baby but failed to get pregnant.
I meditated.

Age: 84 years
I meditated.
I had a botched face lift!

Age: 85 years
Mila started nagging me to buy a car.
I had a face lift performed by Dr. Ava Martinez.
I had Botox performed by Dr. Ava Martinez.
I had liposuction performed by Dr. Ava Martinez.

Age: 86 years
I had liposuction performed by Dr. Ava Martinez.
I meditated.
Mila and I tried to have a baby but failed to get pregnant.

Age: 87 years
I said no to cigarettes.
I meditated.

Age: 88 years
I meditated.
I tried to get a round of IVF for Mila but Fountainhead Fertility said she is too old for that.

Age: 89 years
Mila and I have been married for 10 years.

Clear plastic jeans have become the next trendy fashion fad in Canada.

Turkey approved my immigration request.
I quit my job as Advanced Clinician for Nice General Hospital.
I emigrated to Istanbul, Turkey. Mila came with me.
Mila and I tried to have a baby but failed to get pregnant.
I meditated.
I used the dating app.
Mila does not want to have a threesome.
I decided to have a one night stand with Hira Nur Sari.
I practiced unsafe sex.

Age: 90 years
Mila started a new position as Apprentice Makeup Artist for Istanbul Film Institute.

I used the dating app.
I used the dating app.
I decided to have a one night stand with Nisa Yildiz.
I practiced unsafe sex.
Mila argued with me because I cheated on her. I assured her it wouldn't happen again.

Age: 91 years
Russia and Ireland have sided against the United Kingdom in a hostile business pact.

Age: 92 years
Mila has been promoted to Makeup Artist.

I was hired for the position of Clinical Nurse Specialist for Nova Hospital with a salary of $100,352.
I meditated.

Age: 93 years
I had dark thoughts.
I had dark thoughts.
I had dark thoughts.
I tried to hit my wife, Mila, over the head with a stick!
She assaulted me!
She trampled my knuckle.
She pierced my foot.
I had dark thoughts.
I tried to strangle my wife, Mila! She called the cops on me!
I have been charged with attempted murder.
I hired Pasha & Evren to represent me in court.
I have been found not guilty!

Age: 94 years
I died of complications from old age. My net worth at the time of my death was $4,642,096.
Emir Cakmak passed away peacefully at the grand old age of 94. His wife, Mila, and his niece, Nisanur, couldn't be bothered to attend his services.

A dedicated student, Emir went to college and eventually got his nursing school degree. Emir worked as a nurse for many years. Friends were left speechless when they learned that he tried to murder his wife, Mila.

i just wanted a child from my last wife but, well, ya know, life isnt always gos like you have expected

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