Re: We're alive - SPOILERS!


I still believe Ink is the mastermind behind all of this, orchestrating the behavior of the others.
Listen to Chapter 13 part 3.
You will notice that he seems to be making a lot of noise and trying to draw his fellow zombies to rally to a new goal.
Also, listen to chapter 36 again. He once again is trying to rally the zombies.
There are other areas where I think this is clear.
Listen to chapter 5 where they first encounter Ink. He calls a ton of zombies to aid him when Burt tries to shoot him.
As to why the other zombies seemed afraid of him when he was changed, I think it may have something to do with the marks or maybe that he just seems far more intelligent than the rest.
To me, the rest seem to blindly follow their sense of hunger or what ever it is that drives them.
This is just me thinking and I could be completely wrong.
Who knows.

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