Re: I have no passion in life

Chandu: I'm not really blaming anyone. That's just how teans mostly works, and that's okay. Those teans I mentioned in my post are teans who have known me their whole life. smile
As a blind guy, I have felt the need to learn about life like this pretty early, because I can't just see what's going on around me. a lot of my blind friends here in my country around my age does lag regarding to a lot of information regarding to know just the simplest things which sighted people have seen many times before. For example how cars drive around in a roundabout in a crouded city, how a dog places its legs to run that fast, ´how older people with walking difficulties walk and what it looks like and just a number of simular things which sighted people never think about because they have seen that the whole life.
Okay, i think I'm way too much off topic now , or maybe not. Because, if we as blind folk wanna know all those things, we have to learn to communicate well and ask for the information we need to get the right picture so we can imagine all those things. It's a matter of finding someone sighted who's natually very good at explaining things, either with words or phicically.
I'll go more on-topic later on. Now, back to work. smile


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