Re: I have no passion in life

There is much to say, and those who know me will know that if I begin a post like this, then it is going to be a long post, so buckle up...
Everyone, not just blind people go through a phase like this. For some, it's a repeating issue, for others it passes quickly.
Rather than focussing on the issues, focus on the solutions. So, with this in mind:
You mentioned that you live outside a town nearby, so the area should be quite secluded and peaceful. A lot of people, including myself, would love to live in a place like that, but that's beside the point. smile
What could you do that takes advantage of your area? Well, the first thing is be outside as much as you can. Sunlight and air does wonders, both to your mood and to your health in general. For a couple weeks, you can meditate if you like, and also pay attention to yourself. Every detail, such as thoughts, emotions, reasons of your actions. Just enjoy the silence and the company of your thoughts.
I think it is very important to know yourself, this is partly the reason why you do not have a passion for something. Imagine situations where you have things to do that normally would not happen to you in real life. It does not matter what they are, let your imagination soar. Then step back, and analyse why you would do things the way you imagined. Is there a reason? If it was a negative scene, could you do something to improve it? If yes, imagine an improved situation. Do this daily, and don't worry, they will take some time.
You will find that it will be easier to deal with, and accept yourself, and interests will start popping up here and there.
You mentioned that you read S.K. novels. Great! Find a forum, either here, or on GoodReads, or in any other community, where you can discuss what you like about him, which books, etc. For a start smile
Concerning real life communication, that is going to be a hard one. But not impossible, as nothing is impossible! smile
First, you have to become ignorant to what others think about you. They might think that you are mentally challenged, but over time, there will be people who will talk to you and they will know that this is not true. How to strike up a conversation though?
This is always hard, and depends on the current situation. The most important thing is that they are not perfect. You won't do anything that as a human they would not do, one way or another. You must have motivation to step up and call out to someone, even if it is just the cleaning lady smile
Listen on in the conversations going on around you, see if you have something interesting going on. If yes, you can try chiming in, if it is close, or find someone later, at lunch for example, who you can talk to. Tell them that you have the same interests, you could do something together, or that they could tell you other people like them. Don't worry if it sounds ridiculous.
Find something that you can do in a group. Pen and paper rpgs are great for this, so are other longer games, such as dice poker, pc games, story reading, etc. The keyword here is to find something that you like. Do not think of huge things, always start with something small and maybe insignificant-looking. You will catch on in no time!
Reading random articles when you're home is great, such as, or even Wikipedia, just make sure you are interested in what you are doing.
Then, later on, you can start learning martial arts. Tai chi, for example does great things to your health, to your mood, your coordination an d to a lot of other body functions and it is the best to do when you are alone or with just one person hanging around.
It is good that you let life pass by, some people live a spontaneous life, but make sure you enjoy every moment of it. As said earlier, pay attention to small details around you, things that you like hearing, smelling, feeling. Enjoy these moments.
And of course, the question is how to do all these when you're in school? Certainly not all at once. Find the time for everything. Being outside during evenings is quite useful, and you can decide what you'd like to do. Just make sure you have your own opinion, even if noone likes it. It is you, and only you can decide smile
Good luck!



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