Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

I think that all the titles need to give you is skill points. Getting items which you will just lose isn't really worth fighting for. It also makes it pointless to loot if you just get everything anyway. I think you should maybe gain 5 skill points for Private, 10 for Specialist, 15 for Corporal and so on in 5 point increases. You keep these extra points, even when you convert between Normal and HC for your next title. This does mean that it kind of gets easier to start out each time you convert because you have more points at low level. I really do think this number of points will balance out though, as you get to a higher level. Maybe you also get rep for normal conversions and food for HC ones as well. For each title you gain a cumulative 100 extra food or 1000 extra rep as a one off bonus after converting to give you a leg up on missioning and buying equipment. This will still encourage you to loot and join in with missions while giving you bonuses.

Maybe there coul d be unlockable extra titles as well? In World of Warcraft you can gain certain achievements. Swamp could have a low achievement for gaining every weapon and accessory in the game called "Equipped" or something. You could then have one if you achieve a million zombie kills (that's kills, not shots fired or hits)). This one could be called "Slaughterer" or something. There could also be one if you get to level 500 the first time as either HC or non-HC called "Veteran". These would be added to your character titles and would maybe have skill point rewards of between 1 and 3 extra skill points, as well as a one time rep or XP gain, at the time you achieve them. If I gained all 3 of those titles, as well as cycling 3 times, my character would show as Equipped Veteran Slaughterer Corporal Shadowrunner. Looks kind of silly, on reflection, but it would be a way of encouraging people to go out there and kick zombie butt, to collect all the weapons (and the reby go to the maps where they can be found), or gain higher levels than just those required for map entries or trading.

The only thing with my Equipped title, apart from the slightly dubious name, is that you could actually achieve it just by trading. Still, if people want to trade stuff to gain all weapons and 1 skill point, at least they're interacting with other players.

There could be other achievement titles as well like "Explorer" for spending at least 1 hour on each map, including the sub maps. "Supplier" for completing one of every single warehouse in the game (finishing them all, not just launching and dying or disconnecting). "Treasure Hunter" for completing 50 quests. The opportunities are endless.

Maybe, instead of skill points for these achievements, so that they're different from the skill points gained for the actual titles for cycling between HC and Normal modes, these achievements could earn you badges. You gain a badge each time you achieve one, like the Balls of Steel for the big missions. A badge could be made a new armour slot. You could maybe wear no more than 5 badges at any time and each adds 0.5% to your armour. You could then be even more flexible with the other armour you wear, so can use the other fun pieces of equippable clothing, but not over-balance the game. You could keep your badges, even if you die since they're your personal achievements, and you could use these to brag about your achievements rather than having the player list slow down immensely by reading all your achievement titles as well as your cycling ones.

Enough of this rant. It won't happen so I should probably have focussed on current issues like trading and stuff.


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