Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Hmm, I thought of something like this too. I wonder how difficult it will be for Aprone to implement? I actually would love to check out what players have, even better would be an actual store system where you can hit enter on it, type an item name, and then items for sale show up. you could even list what you want in return, and trading could become an automated process. let's say I want a Scar H for my M79, once a player offers up the Scar from the store interface, trade is completed immediately without any interaction on my part. that'd be totally sweet. I also agree with the achievement/trophy idea. I always thought having rewards for swamp would be awesome. Even bounced the idea off Aprone several times. I'm one of those people that'll probably try and collect them all if we had them. I can think of several evil trophies we can have hehehehehe.

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