Re: Enabling Narrator in Windows Longhorn setup


Ok, so I have the Talking Windows 7 PE but I have an issue when trying to install Longhorn?
I first create a new virtual machine and call it Windows XP Professional.
I then load the basic PE disk image and the VM starts up with NVDA talking.
Then, I change the CD drive to point to the iSO of Longhorn I got from Winworld.
I'm then able to find the setup file using the PE thing and it appears to run just fine. When I press enter on the install longhorn button in the window, it says something about d:\something.dll is missing or corrupt and that Windows setup cannot continue.
Why is this? Is it because I'm trying to use a Windows 7 PE that won't run the file?

Ok, this is odd. I'm pressing enter on the install file and now it says Windows setup cannot find any valid partitions to install Windows on? Why isn't it detecting the virtual hard drive file that was created with the VM?


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