Re: Swamp, zombie fps by Aprone

Would it be possible to allow normal and HC players to cooperate on missions?  You would gain the reward in rep or food as also the cost as appropriate.  I can't think of a good reason not to do this unless it would be difficult to code.

Aprone, could you give us some idea how sneak/elusive work in numerical terms, or at least qualitatively?  I haven't figured out whether they are working at all as there is no objective way I can think of to test them.  How effective are they in relation to bloody clothes, does 1 point in sneak or elusive counter 1 bloody clothes?

I think the idea of usage-based skill points has a lot of merit.  In an environment where weapon breakage is a hell of a lot more common, one is punished for too much specialization, and there would be a survival advantage in using multiple weapons for that reason.  I'd favor a non-linear scale so that you gain the first few points quickly and over time the points scale down.  For weapons, base it on hits.  For armor, base it on being hit.  For sneak, base it on steps in walking mode.  For scavenger, base it on items donated.  Let's see, what am I missing.  Oh yes, big kit/recovery, hmmm, base recovery on the number of times you use your kit to heal someone else, or perhaps big kit for that and recovery for normal uses.  As for levelling, allow the points as normal, and resets that don't affect the skill points gained through usage, which you should be able to see when you view your character.  I'd favor a slower degradation curve, based on time in play since you last used the skill in question.  Use of a weapon would give a boost to the weapon and a smaller boost to the weapon group.

This would be useful in particular to HC characters, who are often stuck for the weapons they have to use.  It will also give the low level characters a bit of a kick, since they will be gain ing usage points during the time when zombie difficulty is flat or only slightly ramped up.  If, due to usage, an 8th level character could have a freeby of +20 to _30% with pistols, it would give them an advantage to counter the increase in difficulty and the relative ineffectiveness of armor.  It would also give them a bonus for wearing the low and very low armors they can usually find.  It wouldn't solve the speed problem, for which I can't think of a good way to do experience-based points.  This might be one you simply have to buy over time.

Finding the appropriate reward for usage would be the balancing act.  Too much and you nerf the game, too little and you're where we are now.  But I think it's worth the experimentation if it can be done.


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