Re: Monthly chat December 2019

Well, the winter season is fully upon us the Indians, and may I say that over all, this year has given me one of the most peaceful festivals in quite a long time, whether it be Christmas, or Diwali. I... jostjust don't enjoy too much human contact, except for my family, around whom I live 24-7.

Now, I did have a nice time in the terms of human contact, but health wise, I could really use some better luck. around 24 December, I suffered from a throat infection the likes of which I have never experienced before. thankfully, I have recovered from it, but still, it left me with a coughing problem, for which I went to the doctor and got another medison for it.

This, naturally interupted my HTML and CSS classes, since I was running full throttle at them, having covered the HTML in around one and a half weaks, while the CSS is currently going on. while learning this, I got an understanding of how many things we take for granted while browsing at the web, and the changes for screenreaders needed to make things work.

Truth to be told though, I have more trouble with the visual elements than I I prefer. maybe once I am done with this course, I should ask to learn the backend? who knows, it may prove to be easier.

I finally got to around reading the Spellmonger, and I will admit, the book is nice, maybe I will go through the hole series. I currently at the first book.

With that said, I do however, have some complains. first is, while I do enjoy magic, what I don't like is the  medieval setting. why couldn't we have magical books with modern day fantasy lands? even if everything is original?

Other thing is, while spellmonger provides nice magic system, I do think I am looking for a magical ssystem which is more like science. haven't found something like though yet.

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