things for a laugh when you live or are on your own

Ok, so I have moved out recently, and tons of things have happened that teach me something all the time.
One of them: I ruined a salmon's aspect.  I normally use a fork to flip everything as it is way easier, you can practice almost any time you eat something, and you definitely have more control than when using a spatula, though I guess with practice you could achieve that, too.
So at first I mistook it for chicken breast. So it was a bit late, but well, it started cooking. I left it for about 4 minutes when it should have been more like about 6 or 7. I flipped it over successfully. I turned the stove off to carefully feel if that side was cooked right, because thermometer was giving curious readings. Obviously, it was not. SO I left the other side about 6 minutes and decided to flip it over, again. But, ah, surprise, it broke. I noticed after a minute of going back and forth that something was not working, I did not feel the same weight on the fork... so I scraped the fork against the pan and to my dismay discovered I had separated a piece. This went on some more until I decided to just throw in the towel, turned it all off, and turned as much as  I could that I knew was still not turned over, over (sorry for the redundancy). Of course tiny burning droplets of oil jumping into your hand is not fun at all, and I finally waited for the stove to cool down completely (about five minutes) which means that whatever else was raw finished cooking. I then put it on a plate along with the rest of the stuff for dinner that night.
But, that taught me things.
For one, the taste was great. It was just well cooked, so a happy ending.
Second, breaking fish while happens to everyone, even sighted, and they all hate hate hate this wholeheartedly. So one tip is to put a bit of wheat flour on a flat plate and put both sides of whatever you are going to cook on the plate for a moment, so that they won't stick and have a light coating. Still, everyone insist on a spatula.
Third: burning oil.. happens to everyone, and even some family relatives have their right hands with very small skin burns. So you should just get used to it a bit I would guess.
Not only cooking, I once mismatched differently, striking contrasting colored socks (I think it was something like black and red), wore them all day and a friend noticed and told me. Once I also pulled what I thought was frozen fruit pulp from the fridge to make juice and upon its rather bad taste after coming out of the blender, it turned out to be a sauce that you can freeze to put on meals if you want to spice them up a bit.
So I think about this all and laughter always comes, if not at least a smile. SO what are some of your adventures or best moments?

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