Re: Disgusted by the moderators on this site

Something -was done about it. Frankly, I gave folks the benefit of the doubt, they blew it, so I locked the thread. I have a feeling that if I'd locked it faster, I'd have had other people (you, perhaps, Simba?) howling at me for being too quick to judge. I dealt with the thread when it was clear to me that second chances weren't working.

I've gotten some reports, too, about certain people being alts of banned individuals, but I can't act on them because frankly there is not enough proof provided.

Also, I am not in a position to promote temporary mods, and the unavailability is not a time-zone issue. Have you seen my four o'clock in the morning posts? I am on at really weird hours sometimes. The issue is more that I have other commitments in general, so I'm not just sitting here on the forum refreshing it at all hours of the day. This forum is bigger than any one person can possibly deal with, and like it or not, I've been doing the lion's share lately.

So maybe in future, instead of just assuming I'm being a hypocrite, ask why one thread is being pounced on while another isn't. Maybe even report the thread.

Also, I have yet to see concrete proof that I, or any other administrator, ignores personal attacks as long as the attacker aligns with our personal beliefs. I'm really finicky about personal attacks, actually. Here, I'll give you an example, because it might help.

Example 1:
"You're a worthless piece of human garbage that can't code their way out of a paper bag. Seriously, go die in a fire or something."
Verdict: very obvious personal attack

Example 2:
"I am so sick and tired of your bullshit, guy. Every time poster x makes a topic about this, you come in here and you run your mouth and you won't. fucking. shut. up. Do you have any idea how god-damned tiresome that is, dude? I don't know about others, but I don't even know why you're still here or what you get out of this place. I wish you'd find the fucking door and make yourself scarce, because I was done with you months ago."
Verdict: not a personal attack; it's extremely heavy, and if it continued and was targeting a user long enough, it might count as harassment, but nowhere in there is the speaker straight-up attacking the user. There are no insults, just a whole lot of anger.

A lot of the things you see me let slide are outbursts like this, and the things I call out as personal attacks, by contrast, are usually much more direct. But if you can point to any specific examples where you feel like I let someone slide where someone else got warned for virtually the same thing, my ears are open. I try very hard not to engage in hypocritical behaviour, but if I've made a mistake, I'll own it. One thing I can tell you, however, is that it's not wilful. I have historically been the member of my friend group who plays devil's advocate and who doesn't take sides in an argument that isn't mine. I can very easily call out my own people if I feel they cross a line, or side with their opponents if I feel it's warranted. That said, I assure you that any appearance of hypocrisy on this particular angle is unintentional. But have on. Show me examples if you wish. If you can't do this, or won't, however, I kindly ask you to let it go. Making assertions that you aren't willing to back up with evidence is just a slimy way to throw more mud when it isn't warranted, and I don't much care for it.

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