Re: Using Slang is Homophobic now?

And @Liam, post 77, hats off to ya, man.  Our situations may be different, but I admire you for taking yours on.  Mine consists of caring for four kids and a wife with an auto-immune disease along with other complications.  Thankfully, the arrival of her service dog has given her some semblance of freedom back, but I know she'd prefer it be any other way than this.  When it comes to physical work around here that needs done I'm going to do it.  when it comes to meeting and greeting people at the door, I'm doing it.  When it comes to checking the mail, taking out the trash, carting in the groceries, making sure the kids are fed, showered, cleaned after and their messes picked up, I'm doing it.  and at the end of the day, when she's hungry, thirsty, feeling like dirt and in pain, needing to talk, to vent, to pour out her frustrations because things aren't the way she wishes they would be, I'm here for that, too.  but I admire your situation for a completely different reason... I hope you're still reading.
So yeah, to all the danGero's out there, remember Liam.  If you don't want to remember me, remember Liam.  My grandfather died about a year ago, and my greatest regret to date is that I couldn't be there with him when he passed away, but I had my own wife and kids to take care of, but I learned from my parents that it's not all about myself.  They took care of that man through and through, while he slipped further and further away from them, to the bitter end.  I don't know who Liam is taking care of or why, but that he's doing it is honestly the greatest tribute he could honestly hope to give them... I wish him well.  You can sit on your high-horse and claim to hell and back that your life is being made miserable by other people.  You're nonsensical and not worth listening to.  If we all took that attitude we'd tell our parents and grandparents to kill themselves so we could get on with our lives.  I'd go tell my children to run off and never come back.  It's called having a heart for humanity... I'm sure Liam doesn't always feel it, and I'm sure he doesn't always know how to express it even when he does.  But that he undertakes the job that he's undertaking is more than coming onto a forum and spewing forth a bunch of crud about how the world has done him wrong and how nothing he can do is going to fix it for him.  He's not trying to fix it for him, because to do that, he'd tell that 91 year old, whoever they are to snuff it and do it quickly.
You can come out here and throw insults all you like; that's easy.  Or, or you can be like Liam.

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