Re: How do you handle crossing roads in a straight line?


I agree with Camlorn’s point, I think confidence does play a big part  regardless of whether you are a guide dog owner or using a cane. Regarding the Cane Vs a guide dog, as mentioned previously I have a guide dog. I lost my sight unexpectedly and very suddenly, for me I needed a way of still being able to get to the office safely every day and a guide dog seemed the easiest and most obvious solution to allow me to keep on with life and work, although I do have to confess I didn’t at that stage know anything about cane usage or what could be accomplished with a cane alone. I’ve had a guide dog ever since and haven’t regretted it at all. My other half has always used a cane throughout her life and she says she wouldn’t be without one  as after using it for so many years  can fully rely on it for all situations (whereas even the best trained guide dog in  the world has a chance of distraction, since they aren’t a robot after all, they are just a dog). Me and my other half went out to the NFB convention last year in Las Vegas, neither of us  are from the US, so we wanted to experience it, plus there was some tech we wanted to try out, and well it was Vegas and I’ve always wanted to go hahaha. Since it was such a long way from the UK I wasn’t able to bring my guide dog , so had to rely on my cane, I’ve had cane training , so I’m not terrible at it, but since I’m so used to a dog it did make it a little more difficult getting around since I guess I’ve gotten used to relying on a dog, so that is one downfall I guess. I think on a similar note as I’ve said I wouldn’t say I’m terrible by any stretch of the imagination with the cane, but hands down my other half has a lot better overall skills with the cane and navigation  than myself, I guess that comes down to having to use those skills constantly (which is definitely an advantage of the cane, since if you ever have to go somewhere without your dog you will need to rely on slightly more rusty cane skills just through lack of constant use), although I do use navigational and orientation skills when out with a dog, you can go a little more on auto pilot with a dog, so those skills maybe don’t get used quite as much. I think sometimes when me and my other half are out, I can find something quicker/easier with the dog and other things she can find quicker /easier with a cane. I think Nocturnus mentioned  about how sighted people see a cane, (this may not bother everyone but  that’s a whole other can of worms), but I think it’s a valid point I think there is probably more stigma around a stick than a dog for a lot of sighted people. I know when I’m out with my dog almost everywhere I go, people want to stop and talk, you always hear people asking about the dog, I’m a talkative social person so enjoy chatting to people that want to talk (although maybe not at 8am without any caffeine in my system yet hahaha), where as that is a lot rarer if you just have a cane. One last thing, I know when you start a job employers have to legally accept the guide dog, but it can make interviews more difficult in a way, various interviews I’ve  attended with my dog, not only do I have to sell  myself as everyone does in an interview , but along with trying to explain how jaws will work,  how the blindness won’t be a barrier etc , I also have practical guide dog issues to ask and that they want to know about too, like where will the guide dog go to toilet, what happens with waste, how the dog will be in the office, where it will sleep etc, remembering that most interviewers are likely to have never employed a blind person or had considered a guide dog in their office space before then. So yes, a guide dog does offer more complications than a cane, however I still personally wouldn’t ever be without my guide dog, for me it seems like the right choice and fits my life style. I think like Camlorn and Jade both said whether  a dog or cane is best is really situational and depends on whatever fits your personal situation best. Personally I don’t think either is an upgrade on the other, they do similar jobs both have advantages and disadvantages and it’s just which ever works best for you. I also got my dog just after I became a father and personally found having a dog out with me whilst I was out walking with my little boy  when he was still tiny was very helpful since although I still need to be thinking about orientation  and navigation whilst with a dog,  a lot of concentration is being taken up with looking after a small child too . sorry for my long post By the way.


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