Re: Revenge Of The Undead, a new zombie shooter

Previously, this post wasn't meant to be made. Just a troll of sorts, but thanks to @Meatbag, for giving me the logs after the situation detailed below I've decided to post this. I'll be posting the chat logs underneath so yu can see yourself

Today, I was banned on rotu, permentantly. Here's how it wwent down. So today, pax asked a person from my country if they were from Poland. I said nope. She's from the vastly superior Trinidad. So there was a little back and forth with me saying yes it is, while Paxpl and Urh, who had his feelings hurt because I said he plays clones said nope. Then I said if it produces people like Paxpl, yes it is. So then Tunmi put on his hat said last warning, cool. That's fair. then He took it off. Bastard, AKA Meatbag then said, Jaidon! insult me so I can get you banned! Jokingly, to which I replied, your name is insult enough. Then, withoout any warning, he said you're pushing the limit, then ban. Not because of the pax thing, but because of the bastard thing. Eitherwways, apparently afterwards, there was a back and forth beteen him and meatbag. It all concluded by tunmi deleting meatbag's accoount, while still keeping me banned.

Here's the thing. If he said meh, fuck it, and banned me for the Paxpl thing, I wouldn't be upset, because that's only fair. But you're gonna ban me because I joked at his name, after he jokingly asked me to, then after when you realise you're wrong, you deleted his account? So you're gonna delete somene whose been playing since the release, someoone with thousands of gold and items, because you couldn't admit you're rong? That's just lame.

Eitherways, I hope everyone is cool, and if anyone wwants to chat off the game, you can catch me on skype @Jaidon Vincent006, or SBYW, or 3dyw.

Right, Again, huge thanks to meatbag for the logs. Let me describe each message from the point with meatbag, till his account's deletion.

King's Adviser bastard says: jaidon insult me please? so I report you so you get band fineily

Reading that line, and judging by meatbag's previous actions, its clear he was saying that in a joking tone.

Arch Specialist Urh2006 says: no jaidon your'e crossing your limit all the time and then you go acuze me of stupid shit

Nt imprtant, but accusing him of shit, he means cloning and playing clones all day long.

Apprentice Katarzyna says: yeah, true, his name is already an insult

In response to Bastard asking for me to insult him.

King's Guard tunmi says: jaidon
King's Guard tunmi says: you're reaching your limit here

This in response to the yoour name is already insult enough thing.

King's Adviser bastard says: stop! I accept the insult! do not do shit or i'll kill you
Him saying he doesn't have a problem with it.

Arch Specialist Urh2006 says: I also had enough of your stupid comments with no evidence jaidon

Not important again, but him bitching about the clone statement.,

Apprentice Katarzyna says: so are you gonna ban me because I said, his name, which, is an insult for someoe born of unmarried parents, is already an insult?

That's me making the point. It cannt be an insult if the person intensionally named theirself that, and I say again; Jokingly asked to be insulted in the first place.

King's Adviser bastard says: so, why did jaidon got band, you warned him yes, but you didint told him he will get band right now, and he did not insulted after the worn

We see meatbag stepping in here again.

King's Guard tunmi says: but regardless he had already been told not to insult. also bastard, you should change your name.

We skipped a bit, but eccentially, meatbag said well yeah, its the truth, so why the ban.

King's Guard tunmi says: please give me a new name for you. because this won't work, especially in the future

Now wwe see tunmi realising that it wwould be unfair to ban me if he was left being bastard, so he starts demanding he changes it.

King's Adviser bastard says: i'm not changing my name, no reason to do so

Here Bastard refuses

King's Adviser bastard says: yes, because yourself told me its ok for peapol to insult me with that word because its my name, and now you band him for saying what you allowed?

Again, bastard here recollecting a conversatioon he and tunmi had previously.

King's Guard tunmi says: I said that it was okay for people to insult you because you purposely made yourself to be insulted. I didn't say it was right, or just.

Controdictory much?

King's Guard tunmi says: so. i'm requesting you change your name. and this is a straight statement. if you do not agree to this your account will be deleted. and I know its harsh, but I am tired of you using your name to get others banned.

Uh, wtf? Even the first time I browsed through this I never saw it, but firstly, to my knowledge, this is the first time such has ever happened. Secondly, its stupid, immature and petty to blame bastard/meatbag for something that wasn't even intended to be insultive in the firstplace, which, you yourself allowed to happen for wwell over 2 months at this point, and even, even since BTS wwas up. He choose to ban the people, its not bastard's fault.

King's Adviser bastard says: Dev King's Guard tunmi says: he didn't insult you, he called you by your anme. in fact you were stupid to even choose that as your name to begin with if you know it was goign to be used against you. so. fuck off
Master Urh2006 says: yep tunmi's right
King's Guard tunmi says: exactly
Master Urh2006 says: exactly
King's Guard tunmi says: its the harsh truth of the matter. its your fault.
Warrior paxpl says: yeah
King's Adviser bastard says: so yeah, you ignored "stupid" and "fuckoff"

So, firstly, as I was saying above, its not completely the fault of the person doing the insulting, nor bastard. Its your fault for allowing it in the first place, so nafff off.

King's Adviser bastard says: yup, so, fuck ofof is not an insult, k, my new name should be, "fuck_off"

Bastard jabbing at them ignoring fuck off and so on, so there ya go.

King's Guard tunmi says: i'm not naming you that
King's Adviser bastard says: why?
King's Guard tunmi says: because I said so

Again, we see him adjusting the goalpost when its convienient, however when he was the one in that situation, it wasnn't an insult at all.

King's Guard tunmi says: bastard, your options. choose a new name, or your account is reset.

So, now too justify himself again, its my way or the highwwway, even though I allowed the name since March.

Warrior paxpl says: change this dump name, man

So, if I got banned for my previous statement, which contained no insults, how was he allowed to goo scott free for calling the name dump/dumb?

Apprentice Stupid says: change your name. right now. or else

Change your name or else I will kill you!

Master Urh2006 says: lmao change it to birdbird

A few days ago I said hi meatfuck, then meatbag replied with go kill yourslef. a user went into the admintells and demanded we not say such things! Eitherays, tunmi stepped in on be half of the player, and we dared not say such things. Eitherwways, Meatbag has said on several occasions he doesn't like to be called BirdBird, and by now Tunmi should know this. Again, how is he letting folks insult meatbag and not doing anything about it? Again. Goalpost adjustment.

Master Urh2006 says: don't be birdbird bro birdbird was stupid

Insult again.

And the story of bastard ends there.
Eitherways, now the thing that really annoyed me, that provoked this post in the ffirst place, was his treatment of meatbag after my ban. Yes, I'm rough, yes! ban me! ban! me! But the fact you realised the ban was unjust so you went on another player's case, deleting them, and allowing other players to be a dick to said player was the thing that snapped to me. That's just petty and immature to push the goalpost. Furthermore, if he had said yeah, you insulted pax, so ban hammer time, but the fact he said yeah your name is insult enough is tootally an insult even after the person jokingly said yeah, do it! is just ridiculous. And this isn't even the first time I can point to him being an all round dick to his players or being rough. The time Conner and I were having a conversation, I was taking a bit of time to do it and conner rushed and I said don't be a rushan, which is an _expression_ we have here, you can ask Gaki-shonen, and tunmi said that's racist. Or how about the time I mentioned before where they were like oh, people are sensetive don't joke with each oother or else? Or how about the fact affter meatbag created his account and asked for his inv back it was completely ignored by him?
Now, do what you wish with the above information. I'm not saying don't go oon the game, because there is a spot on community on there. Sure the management is a bit wack, and with the latest update it sounds like a constant battle audio-clone, I just thought the unfair treatment of meatbag and to a lesser extent myself had to be highlighted.

I didn't wwant to post this because I didn't want to be like the stereotypical blindie teens that crys everywhere, but seriously, the way he spoke to meatbag, myself, and even his own admins cannot be unhighlighted.

Again, if you wish to chat with me, skype is Jaidon Vincent006, find me on 3dyw as altnum1, and SBYW as dnjv and bas as ahbr006.

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