I am willing to write advertisements for you

Hello! Many of us perform tasks in our spare time that we like and therefore they make us feel happy. They come from hobbies. We like to sing, to draw, to paint, to dance, to cook, to travel, to practice a certain sport, to create content etc. Earning money isn't important for us, we enjoy because we do those things. As we enjoy for what we do, we want to let others know about that, that's why we always search for ways to promote our activity. You are one of us, isn't it? If so, why wouldn't promote what you do? You could help others so and you would have a double joy. Firstly, you will be happy because you could do something you like today, and secondly you will feel much better because you could help someone. Obviously, you can earn money, but it isn't so important.
I decided to help you promote what you do. If you have an YouTube channel, a Facebook or Instagram page, a Twitter account or a small business, e-mail me at cont...@florian-ionascu.ro, and I'll help you.
What do I offer?
1. Advertisement writing. You must do nothing, I'll take care of that.
2. Translation in all languages of my site and its publication on this web page.
3. Support in case you want to publish the advertisement on other platforms and you can't do it by yourself.
What about the price?
I know you don't like this topic, but we should discuss on it. I must support the costs regarding my website, therefore I must set a price for my work. However, I'll let you choose the currency in which you want to pay. There's a list of available currencies and their assigned prices. You will find it on the above mentioned web page.
Steps to follow:
1. You must send me an e-mail at the above mentioned address. Tell me what you consider important about your activity and why you think it deserves to be promoted. Don't forget to attach the recipt of your payment in case you performed it via bank transfer. PayPal announces me when I receive a payment, so you don't need to send its recipt to me.
2. I'll send you the ad when it'll be ready with its translations, and you will have 30 days to send me a positive or negative feedback for it. If the feedback is negative, you'll receive your money back in 10 days. In case it's positive, the ad will be published on that page.
3. I'll publish the ad after 30 days if you do nothing.

If you have other questions, please ask them here or send me an e-mail. I hope we will have a great collaboration.
Best regards,

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