Sonata plus; A UK bassed radio for the blind.


I hope you enjoy this post as much as I enjoy my sonata plus, well okay maybe not that much smile But I hope you enjoy reading this post anyway.

What do you mean, "Radio for the blind?"

The radio has talking menus, using the accapella heather voice to voice the menus. No it's not the best TTS speech voice in the world but it most certainly gets the job done.

What does the sonata plus look like?

You actually asked that? On a forum for the blind, you asked what does something look like? Shame on you... self, shame.

Okay now my horrible humor is out of the way, let's describe the thingy, err, unit.

If you can imagine a small good quality speaker, that is what the sonata plus looks like. It lies flat on it's bass which has sticky things on the bottom of it.
On the top of the unit, we have an oval shaped speake r it kind of reminds me of and egg, just a bit bigger and on it's side.

Going down from that, our hands slope down and bump into a round turnable switch, or knob, on the left side of the unit next to the knob we have three buttons going down. these are; forward, which will take you forward in a menu, back that will take you back in said menu, and the play pause button. To the right of that, we have the on and off switch.

The control

The control, is a control shaped control that if you don't watch out will control your mind with unbelievable controlling powers.

Annoyed yet?

Oh alright, it's a normal non controlling control, which is rectangular in shape and has the following buttons; from the top right we have on slash off, top left, pause. Going down, we have volume up, going down again volume down, going to the right of those two rectangular shaped buttons, we have the tone buttons, I'm not sure what these do apart from I th ink they may add base. Going even fervour right, we have the speed up and slow down buttons. AH, fun times.

Going down from that we have, the info button. This will tell you, how many tracks are in a list, how many options are in a list, what song is playing, what the bit rate of the radio station is and a couple more things.

The snooze button, ah, sleep... Such a wonderful thing, wouldn't you agree? If you press this button it will say Snooze 30 minutes, don't mind if I do, thanks sonata! Nan; "Brad, why were you sleeping again?" Me; "Sonata told me to snooze for 30 minutes, so I did." Great isn't it?

If you press this button, it will turn the snooze option on and off and you can configure that in the options menu.
The last button in this row is shortcuts, since I've not pressed it in fear of my unit shorting out, see what I did there? no? awe, okay. well I didn't press it so  I can't tell you what it doe s, but I'm guessing it makes a book mark or something like that.
Going down from that we have a diamond, woo hoo! I'm rich, wait no, I'm Brad...

Which has arrows and an okay button, up will take you up, left will rewind you in a pod cast, down will go down in a list and right will fast forward you in a pod cast. Oh and the center button is for oking? I think I made a new word, the item you're on.

The last button on this control is the back button, it's all alone on the bottom left.

What can this thing do anyway?

It can; let you listen to over 10000 radio stations, that's no lie, trust me, I know. Try adding 1 station at a time from the list of stations you have to add on the or site, then tell me I'm lying.
You can also listen to pod casts. 30 categories, with a lot of pod casts in side those categories.

It can do other things too, but I'm way to tired to add them all now.

You're not funny

well all I can say to that is, you got to the end of this didn't you? So you must have wanted to read it for some reason.

I hope you enjoy my bad humor and enjoyed this post. If you want more info, ask here and I'll give it.

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