> What are the disadvantages?Well the main one is that an external DAC requires 
> a PPL to lock it's
own clock to the incoming DATA signal.  Even if you feed the transport
clock over to the DAC, you still have the effect of the interconnect
and distance to deal with.

In the 'good old days' of turntables, Linn used to advocate their belt
drive LP12 against the Japanese manufacturers' Direct Drive, crystal
locked, decks by saying something along the lines that the cystal
locked ones didn't have the same speed stability because they require a
degree of 'hunting' to make them work.  A phase locked clock is
effectively doing the same (although the amounts are very tiny).

> Well not having a Wifi component sitting beside the DAC would be an
> advantage.
I'm not sure how far away you can get your deck from the SB, but I
suspect that RF is present thoughout your house anyway.  Besides, you
can always use a wireless SB ;-)
> Dedicated DACs have very specific analog and digital paths. Particularly
> the power supply and division of components will be deliberately
> discrete.No reason why you can't do that with a SB - I have and it works 
> really

AFAICS, there are only two advantages in a external DAC

1) If you have multiple digital sources and you use the DAC after
digitally switching or processing those sources.

2) To allow for changes of DAC for different audio 'tastes'.

Patrick Dixon

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