If you haven't heard a SB2/3 with the modded analogue stage you're
making a bold statement. I do have a RWA analogue modded SB2 and found
they do speak the truth. Listen before you pronounce the mod dead.

BTW, I wouldn't expect the SB2/3 with digital mods to be a huge
improvement over a top quality transport. The analogue side is much
easier to excell.

Also, if you already own a decent PC a $100 300 gig hard drive and a
simple network is all it takes to turn it into a music server. Less
than $300 rather than $3000.


davehg Wrote: 
> While Vinnie (RWA) and Wayne (Bolder) make strong claims that the
> modified SB3's analog output sounds better than many expensive DAC's
> and transports, I think it is not fair to make this comparison. A
> separate high end DAC should sound significantly better than a modded
> SB3's analog out. 
> I wouldn't mind hearing a modified SB3's analog outs, but chose to skip
> this because a) I already have a nice expensive DAC, and b) even
> including the mods, I would not seriously expect that the SB3 would
> have an adequately designed analog output stage, with proper isolation,
> power supplies, etc.  Only if you removed the guts of the SB3 from the
> case, put it inside a better case with proper grounding, power
> supplies, and room for output caps, and perhaps had the option of a
> good tube output stage, would the comparison be realistic. But hey, if
> someone wants to bring their fully modded SB3 to my Seattle area house
> to A/B. I will listen.
> Instead, I'll be comparing the digital output of a modded SB3 to the
> digital output of an unmodded SB3, both sending S/PDIF to my musical
> fidelity DAC. For fun, I will do an A/B against my Pioneer Elite PD-S95
> cd transport to see how well the $250 SB3 stacks up against the $3k
> Pioneer. Of course, if I added the cost of the computer (MAC Mini) and
> periperals, it would probably cost the same.

Jim Holtz
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