probedb;151846 Wrote: 
> As far as I'm aware AC'97 requires that all signals are mixed to 16-bit
> 48KHz? In windows it's possible to bypass kmixer which does this nasty
> stuff but it maybe that your onboard sound does this as well...i.e. all
> Creative cards do this in hardware.
> Unless you're doing things like bypassing kmixer I doubt your PC is
> passing untouched digital signals to your DAC.
> I'd say the squeezebox will give better quality, but like everything
> it's subjective as to whether or not you can actually tell the
> difference.

I Agree, it is all subjective - in the ears of the beholder, so to
speak. Computer and audio delivery technologies are inevitably merging,
but discreet audio devices such as the squeezebox, still have the edge,


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