Skunk;164487 Wrote: 
> Does the impedance of my umbilical matter or does the impedance of the
> supply dominate if it's greater? Would it possibly matter more if I had
> a quality supply with superregs? I wondered if twisting the wires would
> have negative effect (different wire lengths etc.) but went ahead with
> it. I do plan to make the supply wire much shorter in the near future

The cable length matters.  Wire is inductance.  Inductance raises
impedance at high frequencies.  As with speaker cables and
interconnects, however,   the 2 or 3 feet used to connect to your SB3
won't have any practical effect.  

If you're worried about it, use a few insulated wires in parallel to
divide the inductance by the number of wires.

Twisting is good.  

Skunk;164487 Wrote: 
> Wouldn't you need 3, one externally and one each for 5v and 9v analog,
> to _really_ see if a linear supply matters? At any rate I wish I had
> your ability to build from schematics.

Now you're beginning to understand!  Yes, if you really want some
benefit of a linear supply, the analog circuits should be cut free of
the dc-dc converter internal to the SB3 and be fed from a linear
regulator instead.  

Will it really matter?  I have no idea.  My SB3 sounds pretty good to
me as is.  I can't imagine any change due to regulators being more that
slight.  For me it isn't worth the bother.


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