tyler_durden;164500 Wrote: 
> The cable length matters.  Wire is inductance and resistance... As with
> speaker cables and interconnects, however, the 2 or 3 feet used to
> connect to your SB3 won't have any practical effect.  

Thanks for the clarification. I would prefer to have the regs in the
same box as the load, but of course that means reboxing. The standard
recommendation seems to be keep the cable really short, but maybe
that's for noise rather than impedance. 

I don't expect it to turn my Sb3 into a Transporter, the on-board
implementation in Transporter is sure to be far quieter (in fact I
think Sean may have measured an Sb3 with off-board superregs but I
don't remember the results). It does seem like the most logical first
step in modding though.

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