totoro;179092 Wrote: 
> But seriously, the "if you did a (somewhat) controlled experiment and
> your paticipant(s) didn't hear the results of (lambda x. tweak x), then
> they must have cloth ears" is so tired as to be a cliche. Occam seemed
> to make a point of _not_ resorting to that. I was merely applauding him
> for that, while callng "bullshit" on PFloding and PhilNYC.

As I've said before, I wish that people who want rigor applied to
testing methodologies would also want rigor applied to understanding
the characteristics of the test subjects.  It's a pretty
universally-accepted idea that individuals hear differently from
one-another.  I don't see how asking about someone's listening habits
on a report of a blind test is "bullshit".  

And one more note about civility, I have yet to call anyone a


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