I bought two of these for my SB3s.  Neither one came with the printed
circuit boards, so they had to ship those.  I put the first one
together last night and discovered the power cord is too big to fit
through the supplied strain relief, so I went to my neighborhood
hardware store and bought two that would fit.

I just got the first one together, verified it was supplying 5.13V and
plugged it into my SB3 in the master bedroom.  This player feeds
Genelec powered monitors (model 8020).  As soon as I plugged in the
supply the Genelecs started 'humming', most likely due to the fact that
they are grounded and the Welborne supply isn't.  It's odd that Welborne
supplied a grounded AC cord but doesn't connect the chassis ground to

Is there any way to fix this?  Has anyone else had a problem with these
supplies?!  For the price of $185 each, I am NOT impressed with what
they sell!  Since I haven't built the second one yet, I'm asking for a
full refund including the two power cord I had to buy today!

Eric Seaberg

Eric Seaberg - San Diego
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