I have two SB3s.  One at home in my master bedroom (white version,
4-months old) driving Genelec powered monitors, and one at my studio
(black version, 12-months old) SPDIF out to a Benchmark DAC1.  

I brought the Welborne to work and plugged it into the black SB3.  BIG
POP and the smell of carbon.  Plugging the original wall-wart supply
proves the SB3 is DEAD!!  It was working before I switched out supplies
and the Welborne supply worked on the white SB3 at home.

So Slim, where can I send my blown up SB3?

Eric Seaberg

Eric Seaberg - San Diego
Eric Seaberg's Profile: http://forums.slimdevices.com/member.php?userid=7896
View this thread: http://forums.slimdevices.com/showthread.php?t=33443

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