mofuv;238794 Wrote: 
> I want to use a DAC with a world clock output as master.

So you have a D-to-A converter than has a wordclock output? Haven't
heard of that one.  You may want to listen to the analog output of the
Transporter on its own before going through all of the hassle.

I did some major testing of our ProTools HD rigs (4-studios) comparing
the output jitter when they were running on INTERNAL clock or having to
sync to an EXTERNAL clock.  The output jitter was considerably LESS when
run internal.

I don't have all of the info here in front of me, but I did verify this
theory at a digital maintenance session sponsored by Sencore, the
manufacturer of the test gear.

We only run our studios using a house wordclock source when we need to
do realtime digital transfers between studios.  Otherwise, they all run
on their own internal clock.  Of course all of the digital gear in that
room is locked to the ProTools master clock.

Eric Seaberg

Eric Seaberg - San Diego
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