BlueScreenJunky;381614 Wrote: 
> (Yeah I know, that topic is old ^^)
> Anyway, I'm considering switching from X360 to Squeezebox for these
> reasons :
> -X360 is noisy
> -You can't control the X360 w/o turning the TV on.
> -X360 doesn't decode FLAC
> -There's not much you can configure about the way ths 360 handles your
> library.

All very good reasons.

> However, I have no idea what to expect about the sound quality. I use
> the analog outputs of the 360, and will use the analog on the SB3 too
> since I don't have a DAC... Do you think I can hope a substantial
> improvement ?
> thanx !

As a 40+yr old, my hearing is supposedly sucky.  (The irony of
audiophilia is that the majority of people suffering from this disease
are in the declining years of their hearing...)

But it's very easy for me, without tossing a ton of money at speakers,
dac or other audiophilia to tell the difference between a Squeezebox
and a computer sound card.  I can still tell the difference between mp3
and flac on most things, unless the mp3 is encoded in 'extreme' mode
when it can be a bit trickier: I can still hear artifacts at 192 if I
listen for them.

I know this isn't exactly what you asked for.. but I dont have an Xbox
to compare it with... just that the SB is really really nice quality
audio, and while I don't think I could hear the difference at my age
and with my equipment between an SBClassic or Receiver and the
transporter... I am pretty confident I could detect the Xbox (even if
the fan noise was zero).

There is a lot of fancy junk inside the xbox that makes for more noise
sources and any of that making it to the audio before amplification
would be bad.

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