iPhone wrote:
> The Touch is a killer Squeezebox and in my opinion is head and
> shoulders above the SB3. The Transporter has the advantage of a better
> supported (Power Supplies and components) DAC circuit layout in my
> opinion and is way above the Touch in the total Power Supply area. Head
> to Head as a Digital Transport into an upscale outboard DAC, I say buy
> the Touch.

>From a practical standpoint, it makes tons of sense to buy a Touch
first. If you need that extra bit (especially the balanced output, which
I use on my TP) you can always buy a TP later.

Very few people can get along with only one SqueezeBoxen

I have not done A/B comparison between my Touch and my TP, but the Touch
is very nice.

I have a TP, Touch, Boom, Radio, Duet, and have bought and used three
plain SqueezeBoxen.

So I'm a bit biased.

Pat Farrell

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