ralphpnj wrote: 
> Now I understand, or think I understand, so please correct me if I'm
> mistaken. It appears that you are only using the Airport Express to
> stream content from Spotify, in other words, to stream Internet "radio",
> which is basically what Spotify is.
> Streaming Spotify is not really an "audiophile" application and I would
> say that you are correct in that there is no advantage to using the
> Touch versus the Airport Express when one is only listening to Spotifyl.

OK, so if you accept there is no difference streaming Spotify at 320k or
whatever their premium service streams at in extreme, 
can you elaborate on the difference between streaming any other media
please? Eg. Ripped CD's. 

In the space of one post, we've come back from your reply that you can
only stream to Airport Express via iTunes. Incorrect. 

I wonder what else is?

I'm only talking about the Touch here. The Linn stuff, I know the

Oh, by the way, where did you read that Spotify wasnt a real world
audiophile app? Have you tried it? Or just read about it?

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