Sigh .

The oppo itself is good stuff .

But a pity (but expected) that stereophile is jumping on the DSD
bandwagon .

The last thing the audio world need is even more consumer formats
especially as we have several that are perfectly fine and transparent to
human listeners (pcm equal or greater than 16/44.1 )

Are we seing more "audiophile music brands" releasing more obscure
things that makes no musical sense ?
And ofcourse re release of the same old "cr*p" as usual but now in DSD .
Do we need "Jazz at the pawnshop" in DSD or any of them hifi show demo
records we all love  ;) 

What about -more- music being avaible as lossles in any form ? for
example dear old FLAC/WAV/ALAC 16/44.1 kHz

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