ralphpnj wrote: 
> Not so fast. An old analog master tape of an old fully analog recording
> is just as valid a source for high resolution digital as a new high
> resolution digital recording. The real issue is just how carefully the
> analog master is converted to high resolution digital.
> What should also be noted is that most mid-1980s digital recordings were
> done at standard CD resolution (16bit or 20bit/44.1kHz) and these can
> NEVER be made into high resolution digital no matter how much they are
> upsampled.

I would argue that analog and digital "resolution " is equal in practice
it is simply not true that analog recordings have infinite resolution
and what we need to do is sample them better and better .

Sn ratio is Sn ratio either analog or digital ( wath the video recently
linked on our forum )

And the SN ratio of the equipment use to record all sound that are on
these old recordings are less than CD res so CD resolution could capture
all relevant information .

So to do the practical remastering higher sampling may be needed if want
to proces the sound ,but you really are not to find any more lost
information .

However the newest breed of AD converters may be much better for other
reasons and thus make the enterprise worthwhile very worthwhile .

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