heisenberg wrote: 
> All that notwithstanding, I still fondly recall some of my (admittedly
> rare) experiences with vinyl that put any, even the highest audiophile
> grade digital transfers to shame. I think it is devilishly hard to
> achieve decent sounding digital reproduction. It can be done, but
> requires a lot of knowledge, something you can't buy by merely walking
> into a high-end audio store with bags of money.
> But I can just as easily see myself siding with your opinion, if only I
> had never been fortunate enough to sit in front of a kick-ass turntable
> playing one of those rare copies of high quality LPs. Once you
> experience that, you unmistakably know for the rest of your life how
> music should actually be reproduced.
> Not everyone was fortunate/unfortunate to experience that. Rarer than
> hen's teeth.

I've heard a lot of LPs played on a lot of great equipment. I'll still
take my in-studio experiences hands down over any LP I've ever heard. 

But that's the nice thing about this hobby. There's something for
everyone!  ;-)

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