jezbo wrote: 
> Does your amp have balance & tone controls? That's the usual way to
> tweak the sound according to room acoustics - something modern amp
> designers often forget in the quest for a trendy "minimalist" design.

It's a Marantz home theater receiver so yes it does. It's got 3
different modes of operation:

- Audissey, with all possibilities that entails (automatic set-up,
  manual tweaking of the curves, distances, ...)
- Source Direct, defeats all Audissey functions except Bass
- Pure Direct, defeats all Audissey functions, passes an untreated
  full range signal to the main speakers

When using Pure Direct, music sounds dull and thin in my room. In
Audissey mode, deactivating Dynamic Volume and Dynamic EQ, music does
sound more alive, but a touch bass heavy. Source Direct is better with
regards to bass, but it's still somewhat dull.
I've looked into other forms of room correction (affordable ones that
is): Inguz, Behringer FBD, ... but everything I read tells me to first
try and physically correct my room. Another problem is that they all
seem to necessitate quite extensive measuring, and I can't seem to get
the house really quiet for long enough during the day (3 kids, wife, 2
cats, ...) and at night when everybody sleeps the volumes needed for the
testing are prone to wake everybody up :D

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