Julf wrote: 
> Any specific reasons to prefer WAV? I think the general view is that
> with lower-end processors (such as those in the squeezeboxes) that don't
> have dedicated I/O processors the additional network load caused by the
> wasted bits in WAV files causes more CPU load (and thus theoretically
> sound degradation) than the FLAC decoding, and the usual WAV problems of
> lack of tagging standards etc. are always a hassle.

what are these wasted bits ?

wav decoding is find the headers, work out the bit rate/depth, find the
data section, render pcm to output device

flac decoding is as above plus decoding flac to pcm

is there any more to it than that ?

do you have any measurements to support the theoretical sound
degradation ? I've always found WAVs sound better.

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