satkinsn wrote: 
> Finally, if I'm going to the trouble of using a Win box to rip and tag
> in the first place, is it really then sensible to move everything over
> to V'box instead of leaving it on the Windows system and playing out
> from there?
> s.

I use a Vortexbox and am quite pleased with it. I don't rip on a Windows
PC but do rip on a separate Linux box. The reason is twofold.First, my
Vortexbox is in the basement and not convenient to physically access. It
is just easier to rip and process at my desktop. 

Second, since all of the PCs are networked, it is very easy to simply
transfer new rips over the network to the Vortexbox. Plus, since I also
keep two external USB backups of my music, I'm frequently plugging the
drives in to update them. So, for me, moving the files around is really
no big deal since I'd be doing backups anyway.

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