Archimago wrote: 
> I was originally going to respond to the 24/192 discussion with this but
> thought it more apt to start a new topic instead of tangential hijacking
> :-)
> I wonder if we've had a good / serious discussion here around the
> question of what as "audiophiles" we're trying to accomplish with our
> gear. No need for ridicule, but just a frank discussion of our thoughts
> around why (some of us) spend so much time on this "obsession" :-)
> As one more in the objectivist camp, I'm personally striving for
> "accuracy" with reasonable specs which exceed my hearing capacity so I'm
> pretty sure I'm "not missing anything" through the electronics. Once I
> think this is achieved, I'm not really interested in owning the next
> "upgrade" unless I'm pretty sure it brings something beneficial to the
> table. Sure I'm interested in what's new and would happily join friends
> in auditioning gear (even have thoughts of visiting RMAF this year), but
> unless I really think it makes a difference, there's really no need to
> own it. Likewise, intellectually if it really makes little sense, I am
> by nature skeptical.  On the software side, I like to obtain the best
> mastering so enjoy picking up some MoFi, Audio Fidelity, old DCC's,
> maybe the "first pressing" before remasters killed dynamics. As a point
> of reference, I don't necessarily consider the "live music" as something
> I strive to replicate (I listen to live music almost every week). I
> expect the best I can do is replicate the "mic feed" as best I can in my
> home which one cannot reasonably expect would sound exactly like the
> live event (and that's assuming a 'direct-to-disk' recording without
> fancy EQ and other studio effects). In fact, what I hear at home often
> is better than my seat at the live event already. Before the widely used
> term "audiophile", it was "high fidelity" which I think might be a
> better term for what I'm striving for in playback.
> On the other hand, I know many audiophiles want a euphonic sound. Tube
> gear and vinyl lovers I think must follow this philosophy. I'm not sure
> I understand that philosophy fully and what "point of reference" being
> used in that situation.
> Note that I'm not saying anything about one viewpoint being "superior";
> rather just wanting to hear the viewpoints.

Given that not one of us has - identical systems, setup in the same
room, with the same music being played - any subjective comparison on
what any us can or can't hear lacks a true reference and is nothing more
than an exercise in futility as it is nothing more than a un-winnable "I
hear this, you hear that" battle.

In the absence of such reference many people use science, or maths, or
measurements as a reference point since it's the only way to bring into
the fold some element of objectivity which can be referenced by

As for me. It boils down to this:

•       If I can hear it, and measurements suggest I shouldn’t be able to hear
it, then I believe that what I hear may be real or imaginary but I side
with imaginary and wonder if I should go see my shrink.
•       If I can hear it, and measurements agree that I should be able to hear
it, then I believe that what I hear is real and I grab another drink.
•       If I can't hear it, and measurements suggest I should be able to hear
it, then I change up my system.
•       If I can't hear it, and measurements suggest I shouldn’t be able to
hear it, then I grab another drink.

Main: Acer Aspire One netbook --> Squeezebox Transporter (slave mode)
--> Lessloss 2004 mkII Pre/DAC (master mode) --> Sanders Magtech
stereo/Innersound ESL800 mono power amps --> Sanders 10c active speakers
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