Pneumonic wrote: 
> Given that not one of us has - identical systems, setup in the same
> room, with the same music being played - any subjective comparison on
> what any us can or can't hear lacks a true reference and is nothing more
> than an exercise in futility as it is nothing more than a un-winnable "I
> hear this, you hear that" battle.
> In the absence of such reference many people use science, or maths, or
> measurements as a reference point since it's the only way to bring into
> the fold some element of objectivity which can be referenced by
> everyone.
> As for me. It boils down to this:
> •     If I can hear it, and measurements suggest I shouldn’t be able to hear
> it, then I believe that what I hear may be real or imaginary but I side
> with imaginary and wonder if I should go see my shrink.
> •     If I can hear it, and measurements agree that I should be able to hear
> it, then I believe that what I hear is real and I grab another drink.
> •     If I can't hear it, and measurements suggest I should be able to hear
> it, then I change up my system.
> •     If I can't hear it, and measurements suggest I shouldn’t be able to
> hear it, then I grab another drink.

What the hell... Grab a drink anyways!

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