ralphpnj wrote: 
> A nice aside to this whole discussion is the history of the audiophile
> fixation with the USB interface for digital audio.
> Several iterations ago of the Windows operating system it was discovered
> that USB digital output on a Windows computer was not bit perfect due to
> an issue with the sound driver. This issue was addressed both in several
> completely free programs (e.g. Foobar2000) and in subsequent releases of
> the Windows operating system. Another way to deal with it was to use a
> Mac. However when using a Mac and iTunes it was discovered that when
> listening to various music files with different sample rates iTunes did
> not handle the different sample rates correctly, which by the way
> Foobar2000 handles correctly as does both the Transporter and the Touch,
> so the answer was to install an additional paid music player called
> Amarra (http://www.sonicstudio.com/amarra/amarra_purchase_landing) which
> has different versions varying in price and features from $30 to $650.
> Of course any self respecting audiophile would only use the $650
> version.
> Now comparing the computer based audio playback on a Windows computer
> versus a Mac (aka Apple) computer from an audiophile perspective we
> get:
> Windows computer (anywhere from $200 to $2000 and up) + Foobar2000 ($0)
> + either USB or optical or coax (many Windows motherboards have optical
> or coax digital audio outputs) digital audio output + either a USB or
> non-USB DAC
> Mac/Apple computer ($500 and up) + iTunes ($0) + Amarra ($650) + USB
> output + asynchronous USB DAC
> So just based on the computer and software alone the Mac system costs
> more and therefore must be better since in the audiophile belief system
> whatever costs more is always better. And so we get to the present state
> of affairs. Windows machines at one time did not have bit perfect
> playback but that is no longer the case. Both the Transporter and Touch
> have always offered bit perfect playback. By "bit perfect playback" I
> specifically mean the ability of the digital outputs to transmit a bit
> perfect digital audio stream to an external DAC. However in the case of
> both the Transporter and the Touch the audiophile world has for some
> strange reason deemed both of these devices as unworthy of high end
> audio playback.
> And so we have now have the only acceptable and audiophile approved
> system for the playback of computer based audio consisting of the
> following components:
> A Mac Mini, Mac laptop or Mac desktop computer > iTunes with Amarra >
> USB output > asynchronous USB DAC
> One thing I find really funny is that while marching in lock step to
> their belief system so many audiophiles have the nerve to call those of
> us who dare to break ranks "close minded", but then turning of truth
> into lies and lies into truth as always been a big part of the
> audiophile belief system.

you're either on meds or should be on meds, don't know which. Your
diatribes are starting to sound insane.

Touch optimisations http://touchsgotrythm.blogspot.co.uk/
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