Archimago wrote: 
> SBGK, I don't think you ever answered the question of what methodology
> you use to evaluate sound quality... Some details would be interesting
> and useful. I've asked before and I believe a very fair question.

I mainly use my earholes and feedback from people nice enough to try it
and who I respect

eg - here is some feedback for the vs 2015 recompiled version, of course
this way of working is impossible in your world, but it seems to work,
some versions are identified as improvements and some are not liked. 

Listened to play v65/loader v25 and play v69/loader v27.
v69 is clearly better.
v69 has more clearity and a fine way of presenting the music. Very nice

+1, was very satisfied listening to v69/v27

Now what about answering my questions to you about how you can measure
something when you can't hear any differences, most people would hear a
difference and then investigate why.

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