Julf wrote: 
> And the investigation would follow the scientific method. First you
> would verify that there really is a difference, by isolating possible
> other causes (such as confirmation bias and the placebo effect), and by
> independent verification / replication. Then you would formulate an
> attempt at explaining the phenomenon, and come up with testable
> statements about it - and make the tests, to verify your explanation.

Most science was observed or theorized before actual measurements were
made, so I don't think I'm being unscientific in my discoveries. Just
the measurers need to step up their game and measure rather than sniping
from the sidelines. 

the current version only plays one track at a time and people are
concatenating files so they can play a whole album, would they be doing
that if they didn't like the sound or they could get the same from using
foobar ?

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