d6jg wrote: 
> As well as posting here- well mostly upstairs in the adults area - I am
> a member of a Facebook page about rare Vinyl records and CDs.
> I have a 450ish collection of Vinyl records that I have been digitising
> since about 2009. Firstly to 320 MP3 and then when I realised the error
> to FLAC. 
> Bear with me.
> I use either a Behringer UCA202 or a VMX200USB depending on where I am
> fed by my Trio KD1033B and a recently installed Ortofon 2M Red. It's hi
> fi but not top end by any means Both of the ADCs are 16/48 max.
> Bear with me.
> I know what I am doing when it comes to "Archiving" vinyl records.
> Back to the Rare Records on Facebook. Guy posts in the middle of a
> discussion about a Beatles album with the "butchers" cover about how the
> Korg ADC at $600 is the best ADC there is and designed for "archiving"
> vinyl at 24/192 or DSD.
> I say - paraphrasing - you are in the wrong place and in any case it's
> "snake oil" and 16/48 is more than adequate.
> He says not.
> I say send me one to test and review.
> He says ok.
> I think I will call his bluff but then I think. Hang on Jim. Your hifi
> and your various SB players and Pi's are great but your TT is not high
> end and nor really are any of your amps.
> Bear with me.
> So.
> Who wants to step into my shoes and review the latest Korg ADC/Pre-amp?
> I shall put forward the best contender to the Marketing Manager at US
> Korg. That's all I promise.
> I would prefer it if the name u put forward was someone who was
> instrumental in keeping LMS running but whoever also needs to have
> better kit than me - particularly Turntable - and be able to write a
> review,

You say you've got 3 bears with you, does that mean you are Goldilocks ?

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