drmatt wrote: 
> Can I ask why?

As to why, as tcutting and Mnyb suggests, it’s is to change the tuning.

I was inspired to explore this by contemporary artists like Melody
Gardot and found the movement.

I’ve been doing some recoding in foobar2000, but since my whole system
is based on LMS, it would be more convenient with a LMS-plugin.

Shifting A to 432Hz gives a distinctly different feel to the music –
more “grounded”, less “busy”. Some of the more striking examples are
trance like Infected Mushroom – music made to arouse – suddenly sounding
energetic but in an oddly calm way. Piano music really shines, both
classical and jazz. Still, it’s doesn’t work for everything – some music
become somewhat unengaging, so I guess there’s a reason for the more
modern sounding 440Hz after all.

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