Askim wrote: 
> As to why, as tcutting and Mnyb suggests, it’s is to change the tuning.
> I was inspired to explore this by contemporary artists like Melody
> Gardot and found the movement.
> I’ve been doing some recoding in foobar2000, but since my whole system
> is based on LMS, it would be more convenient with a LMS-plugin.
> Shifting A to 432Hz gives a distinctly different feel to the music –
> more “grounded”, less “busy”.

This was the other thing I was thinking of when I read your question..

I would say that it sounds "slower", not "better"..

Pitch shifting without tempo shift will sound bad. Tempo shift without
pitch shift will sound bad. The only way to really compare is to get
recordings made with the different tuning. And crucially - not the same
song, back to back.

Play lots of 432 tuned material one after the other and after a while
you will find it no longer has its special "feel". The only reason it
sounds special in the short term is because you must acclimatise to the

Alternatively watch any movie at all, ever, on a British TV at 50Hz
uplifted from 23.96Hz with a pitch shifted soundtrack and see how
pleasant it is.. :)

All imho. :)

Hardware: 3x Touch, 1x Radio, 2x Receivers, 1 HP Microserver NAS with
Debian+LMS 7.9.0
Music: ~1300 CDs, as 450 GB of 16/44k FLACs. No less than 3x 24/44k
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