Antoniop wrote: 
> Then, we're coming back to my point : Should I buy a transporter, that I
> could use as the digital source and the DAC, or use a SBT as a digital
> source with a recent external DAC
I am a long-time user of the Transporter, and am very happy with it. It
sounds fabulous.

BUT: if it ever dies, I will not be looking to replace it. The TP is a
legacy product that still performs well, but there are cheaper
alternatives easily available these days. A Raspberry Pi running
Squeezelite feeding a decent external DAC will provide equally good
sound quality.

The only reason I can think of why anyone would want to get a TP these
days would be if they happen to like its look.

And regarding the "knob or no knob" question: the knob is a great big
white elephant and serves no purpose in day-to-day use. BUT: The
blanking plug on the TP SE looks like a cheap piece of plastic, and
frankly I think it spoils the look. (But bear in mind I've only seen
photos of the TP SE, never seen one in the flesh). So if you're going to
buy a TP for the aesthetics (and IMO there is no other reason to get
one), then you need one with the knob, otherwise the aesthetics are

Transporter -> ATC SCM100A
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