Wombat wrote: 
> I will never use ALAC for anything. FLAC is the lossless standard and
> hopefully here to stay even when misused as container for MQAs DRM ;)
> Maybe you can check your FLAC files one day and see if my guess was
> right. If HDtracks used the official xiph flac encoder everything was
> fine because it uses a blocksize of 4096 afaik.
> It is easy to reencode while keeping the metadata. You may prepare a
> routine to do this with your purhases. I reencode everything i get with
> the encoder of my choice and a blocksize of 4096 btw.

I saw your instructions for checking the output.ana info, but I'm not
sure where I should be running the command 'flac -a Song.flac'? I'm
using a Mac, if that matters. Happy to check these files and report
back, if you could provide this last bit of guidance. Thanks.

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