On 01/08/2017 12:42 AM, Leonid Bloch wrote:
>> Any especial need to rm it? If it isn't used then you can just ignore
>> that it is there. :)
> Space considerations? Is there a problem with removing them if so?

No problem, I just figured if it only exists in the build directory
anyway it might not matter. They will probably remove the build
directory afterwards anyway.

> Maybe I'm missing something, but the wiki says "r%s.%s" if there are no tags.

Hmm, I guess I was missing something actually. But I personally like the
consistency with the "tags exist" version, so I will allow my personal
opinions to override the Wiki on that (at least in my own PKGBUILDs). It
was subjective anyway.

Good catch!

Eli Schwartz

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