Would someone be willing to review the gog-pyre package I've put together? I've 
included just the PKGBUILD below, but I'm happy to include the entire enchilada 
with git-format-patch. IIRC, this mailing list strips attachments, so I've 
included the PKGBUILD inline. I've successfully compiled and installed the 
package, and can verify that the application works. (At least, the first five 
minutes of gameplay work.)

# Maintainer: Jeremy Audet <jereb...@protonmail.com>
# shellcheck shell=bash
# shellcheck disable=SC2034,SC2154

pkgdesc='A party-based RPG in which you lead a band of exiles to freedom. (GOG 
groups=('games' 'gog')
# May also work on i686, but untested. Most 64-bit dependencies (e.g. sdl2) are
# bundled with the game.
# Copy the game file into the current directory before building.

# Single-threaded compression of a multi-gigabyte package is time-consuming.
# Possible solutions are to skip compression or throw more threads at it.
# PKGEXT='.pkg.tar'
COMPRESSXZ=(xz --to-stdout --compress --threads 0 -)

prepare() {
  # GOG games for linux appear to consist of a concatenated makeself shell
  # script, mojosetup gzip archive, and game zip archive. I've not found a way
  # to make the scripts strip themselves, and use tail as a fall-back. A hacky
  # way of verifying $header_bytes is to call unzip on the game file, and to see
  # how many bytes it skips while searching for the start of the zip archive.
  bash "pyre_${pkgver//./_}.sh" --dumpconf > conf

  local makeself_lines
  # shellcheck disable=SC1091
  makeself_lines="$(( "$(source conf && echo "${OLDSKIP}")" - 1 ))"

  local makeself_bytes
    head "pyre_${pkgver//./_}.sh" --lines "${makeself_lines}" \
    | wc --bytes

  local mojosetup_bytes
  # shellcheck disable=SC1091
  mojosetup_bytes="$(source conf && echo "${filesizes}")"

  local header_bytes
  header_bytes="$((makeself_bytes + mojosetup_bytes))"

  tail --bytes=+"$((header_bytes + 1))" "pyre_${pkgver//./_}.sh" > pyre.zip
  unzip -qd pyre pyre.zip

package() {
  # game files and launcher
  install -d "${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}"
  cp -rt "${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}" "${srcdir}/pyre/data/noarch/"*
  chmod 755 "${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}/start.sh"
  install -Dm755 "${srcdir}/${pkgname}" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${pkgname}"

  # The game writes to DebugLog.txt, which results in a permission denied error.
  # AFAICT, this is a bug, and it should write to a location suited for the
  # purpose, such as a subdirectory of the calling user's $XDG_CACHE_HOME. A
  # simple solution is to symlink DebugLog.txt to /dev/null. Making DebugLog.txt
  # world-writable is less secure but more useful.
  chmod ugo+w "${pkgdir}/opt/${pkgname}/game/DebugLog.txt"

  # desktop environment integration
  install -Dm644 \
    "${srcdir}/pyre/data/noarch/support/icon.png" \
  install -Dm644 \
    "${srcdir}/${pkgname}.desktop" \

  # license
  install -Dm644 \
    "${srcdir}/pyre/data/noarch/docs/End User License Agreement.txt" \

# vim: ts=2 sw=2 et:

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