On 2/28/19 11:22 AM, Daniel M. Capella via aur-general wrote:
> On February 28, 2019 8:58:06 AM EST, Jerome Leclanche <jer...@leclan.ch> 
> wrote:
> <snip>
>> OT: We should maybe have the AUR lint PKGBUILDs on git push (and
>> reject really bad ones) if we want to improve that situation.
>> J. Leclanche
> I've been thinking enforcing the use of makechrootpkg and namcap on package 
> submission should be introduced, and maybe even on major (and minor?) version 
> bumps for packages following semver. Inb4 yes I'm aware of the number of 
> false-positives in namcap.
> --
> Best,
> polyzen

you could get around the namcap false-positives by maybe assigning a
"quality score" instead of a pass/fail, with a certain required
threshold set.

there aren't really enough data points for a really useful scoring in
namcap alone, though, so you'd want to implement other scoring points too.
- 50 for a successful makechrootpkg
- 10 for each namcap test pass
- 10 for proper comment per spec[0] (i.e. '#\s*(M|m)aintainer:', etc.)

and anything higher than, i dunno, 70 or 80 is considered pass and below
is fail.

or just attach a warning for each namcap failure to the package's info
in the AUR.


brent saner
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