On 07-02-2020 00:55, Iyán Méndez Veiga wrote:
Well, makepkg runs under fakeroot.

But forget about that. Why is setup.py install attempting to install the
.git/ directory of a git repository?

Yeah, I was also surprised about that. I need to check carefully the changes
from previous version to current one:


I will have a look tomorrow. All those files src/third-party/headers/muparserx/
weren't in previous versions.

I guess the issue has something to do with this commit:


where they changed the function get_muparserx_source_code().

Best wishes,

https://github.com/Qiskit/qiskit-aer/commit/d445d0136f61523281fc22f9e20be9c016e1dd8e looks relevant.

There's a muparserx package in aur, https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/muparserx .

Try building with that as makedepend or depend ?


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