
My name's Robin Candau and I'd like to apply to become a Trusted User.
My sponsors are Leonidas Spyropoulos <artafinde> and T.J. Townsend

I'm 26 years old and I live in France. I'm working as a Linux system,
Infrastructure and DevOps engineer.
I've been using Linux for the last decade and been using Arch for a few
years now.

During my Arch journey, I started contributing to it in various ways:
- I subscribed to every "major" mailing lists and reply to users'
questions in it from time to time (mostly in the AUR-General one).
- I'm answering questions on the Arch subreddit (even though I'm aware
it is not an official Arch resource) and on the IRC channels from time
to time. I'm a bit less present on IRC though, but I'm still passing by
here and there.
- I contribute to some wiki pages.
- I maintain some packages on the AUR.
- I'm reviewing PKGBUILDs (both on aurweb and the AUR-General mailing list).
- I'm a member of the "Arch Testing Team" and I'm regularly testing and
signing off packages.
- I made rare contributions to the Arch DevOps Gitlab's issues (this is
something I'd like to do more in the future, I just haven't take the
time yet).

Since I started contributing to Arch, my interest for it kept growing
and I'd like to do more. This is why I'm applying to become a TU through
this mail.

For the minimum requirements:
- I'm fine with shell scripting.
- I maintain a few packages in the AUR with what I think are
high-quality/clean PKGBUILDs [1].
- I'm doing basic community involvement (as stated earlier).
- I can Google.
- Aside from Arch, I've been involved in a few open-source projects:
     - My own open-source projects are hosted on GitHub [2].
     - I'm a package and infrastructure maintainer for Crystal-Linux [3]
which is an Arch based distribution that promotes the use of current and
modern technologies and that brings an alternative to some widely used
software through its own tools such as "jade" (the Crystal Linux's
installer) or "amethyst" (the Crystal Linux's pacman wrapper and AUR
helper). I'm basically maintaining the Crystal's specific PKGBUILDs [4]
and helping them with infrastructure stuff.
     - More recently, I've been working with Rudra Saraswat (the Ubuntu
Unity project lead) to help him properly packaging the Unity desktop
environment for Arch (this is still a WIP) [5].

As a TU, I'm looking forward to help with the AUR moderation (reviewing
PKGBUILDs, answering AUR related questions and handling AUR requests).

I'd also be interested in moving the following AUR packages to Community:
- protonmail-bridge
- distrobox
- unrar-free (which I currently maintain)
- ddgr (which I currently maintain)

Finally, those are the packages I use and/or I'd be interested in
(co-)maintaining in Community:
- glow
- flameshot
- xautolock
- numlockx
- playerctl
- autorandr
- hq
- hexchat
- pacman-contrib
- zathura* (zathura, zathura-cb, zathura-djvu, zathura-pdf-mupdf,
zathura-pdf-poppler, zathura-ps)
- tmux
- icewm
- firewalld
- picom
- notification-daemon
- blueman
- redshift
- xautolock
- gsimplecal
- tint2
- feh

Globally, my package interests are CLI tools and GTK apps, but I can
maintain anything else if needed. My primary goal is to help/contribute :)
Also, even though it has no direct link with the TU position, I'm
willing to take the time to bring some help and contributions to the
DevOps side of things in the future, as stated in the beginning of my

I'm looking forward to contribute more to Arch Linux.
Thanks for reading my application!

[2] https://github.com/Antiz96
[3] https://getcryst.al/site
[4] https://git.getcryst.al/crystal/pkgbuilds
[5] https://gitlab.com/users/Antiz96/activity

Robin Candau - Antiz

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