Le 03/01/2023 à 18:40, Morten Linderud a écrit :
> On Tue, Jan 03, 2023 at 11:03:07AM +0000, Robin Candau wrote:
>> Hello,
> Yo,
>> My name's Robin Candau and I'd like to apply to become a Trusted User.
>> My sponsors are Leonidas Spyropoulos <artafinde> and T.J. Townsend
>> <blakkheim>.
> Thanks for you application and good luck!
>> - I maintain some packages on the AUR.
> I looked over them and they generally seem fine. The only weird part I have
> found is this install script that symlinks `/usr/bin/clipboard` to 
> `/usr/bin/cb`
> in 3 packages. Why did you pick this solution?
> https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/tree/clipboard.install?h=clipboard

This is something originally done by upstream in the Cmake build
instructions file [1] since this is how upstream decided to handle the
possibility to run both the `clipboard` and `cb` command.
Obviously, it results as a permission issue when built with `makepkg`
(since it tries to modify something outside of the `pkgdir`) preventing
me to deal with that directly in the PKGBUILD as well. So to stay as
close as possible to the upstream packaging method I deported that
symlink instruction to a post install script.

I imagine there's certainly a more elegant way to deal with this
symlink, I'll look into it.

>>       - More recently, I've been working with Rudra Saraswat (the Ubuntu
>> Unity project lead) to help him properly packaging the Unity desktop
>> environment for Arch (this is still a WIP) [5].
> Nice, I looked over the original packaging and was disappointed in the
> package quality. Hopefully it will shape up nicely in the future.
Yeah, I left a comment on the AUR web page of the initial Unity package
(which has been deleted since then) to point out what could/should be
improved regarding the packaging guidelines/best-practices and
eventually offer my help to Rudra to properly package Unity for Arch;
and this is how we started to work together on this.

For the moment, all of the Unity packages has been moved to a dedicated
pacman repo [2]. As I said, this is still a WIP I'm looking forward to
continue on with Rudra. Hopefully it will shape up nicely in the future,
indeed :)

>> As a TU, I'm looking forward to help with the AUR moderation (reviewing
>> PKGBUILDs, answering AUR related questions and handling AUR requests).
>> I'd also be interested in moving the following AUR packages to Community:
>> [snip]
>> - protonmail-bridge
> Is this covered under the "protonmail" trademark? Can we redistribute this 
> with
> the name "protonmail"? Is there any other terms or restrictions on this?
It is indeed copyrighted under the "Proton AG" trademark, but the
protonmail-bridge app itself is distributed (and allowed to be
redistributed/modified) under the GPL3 license [3] so I'd say we should
be allowed to redistribute it with the name "protonmail"? I didn't
thought about that (yet) to be honest but I'll search deeper into it if
I ever have the chance to move it to community.
>> - unrar-free (which I currently maintain)
> I had similar concerns with `unrar`, but it seems like Fedora and Ubuntu is
> packaging this. I'd assume this should be safe then.
> https://repology.org/project/unrar-free/versions
Indeed, this one is already packaged by several other distributions, so
it should be fine.
>> Finally, those are the packages I use and/or I'd be interested in
>> (co-)maintaining in Community:
>> - glow
>> - flameshot
>> - xautolock
>> - numlockx
>> - playerctl
>> - autorandr
>> - hq
>> - hexchat
>> - pacman-contrib
>> - zathura* (zathura, zathura-cb, zathura-djvu, zathura-pdf-mupdf,
>> zathura-pdf-poppler, zathura-ps)
>> - tmux
>> - icewm
>> - firewalld
>> - picom
>> - notification-daemon
>> - blueman
>> - redshift
>> - xautolock
>> - gsimplecal
>> - tint2
>> - feh
> A few of these have two maintainers already, is there any orphaned packages 
> you
> would like to maintain in the repositories?
> Keep in mind that any packages in [extra] is not accessible to TUs currently,
> but the plan is for this to change.
Indeed, my bad. Here's a stripped-down list of packages that only have
one maintainer currently:

- glow
- xautolock
- hq
- hexchat
- zathura suite (zathura, zathura-cb, zathura-djvu, zathura-pdf-mupdf,
zathura-pdf-poppler, zathura-ps)
- icewm
- firewalld
- picom
- notification-daemon
- blueman
- redshift
- gsimplecal
- tint2
- feh

I haven't found any packages I personally use or would want to maintain
in the community/extra's orphaned packages at first glance to be honest,
but I could still adopt some if needed.
As I said, my primary goal with this application is to contribute/help
further :)

[2] https://unity.ruds.io/arch-unity/
[3] https://github.com/ProtonMail/proton-bridge/blob/master/COPYING_NOTES.md

Antiz (Robin C.)

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